https://doi.org/10.31499/2307-4833.2.2019.202038Ключові слова:
Історія освіти, бібліотечна освіта, середні спеціальні навчальні заклади, технікуми політосвіти, школи політосвіти, культосвітні технікуми, Україна, history of education, library education, specialized secondary schools, technical schools of political education, schools of political education.Анотація
У статті проаналізовано особливості становлення бібліотечної освіти у 1920–1940-х рр. Досліджено історичні, соціально-політичні та культурно-освітні чинники створення та розвитку середніх спеціальних навчальних закладів, що готували бібліотекарів у зазначений період. Вивчено специфіку формування та характер функціонування технікумів та шкіл політосвіти, на прикладах окремих навчальних закладів України. Проаналізовано значення їхньої діяльності для розвитку бібліотечної освіти та бібліотечної справи країни в цілому.
The article analyzes peculiarities of the formation and development of a network of technical schools and schools of political education against the background of the formation of the secondary specialized library education system. In particular, the place and importance of the activity of political education schools and schools in the development of library education and training of middle-level specialists were studied.
The purpose of the proposed article is to cover, on the background of the formation of secondary special library education in Ukraine in the 1920s and 1940s, the peculiarities of the creation, formation and importance of technical schools and schools of political education that trained middle-level library specialists in the development of professional education and library business, in general. Both general scientific research methods (description, comparison, analogy, deduction, induction, analysis, etc.) and historical (historical-comparative, historical-typological, chronological, etc.) are used in the work.
It was revealed that in the 1920’s political schools and library schools were trained, first of all, by political agitators, cult and party workers, according to whom a curriculum was drawn up. The basic canons of library education in the Soviet era were the principles of: partisanship and communist education; formation of active politically conscious “fighters” of political education; domination of political literacy at the heart of humanitarian professional education; a combination of sociopolitical training and library knowledge in the development of applied professional skills and competencies. The ideological component in library education occupied a leading position. In the mid of 1930’s a system of secondary specialized library education was formed, which consisted of a number of specialized educational institutions – different types of technical schools where librarians were trained, in particular, from a network of separate political schools and colleges. These technical schools met the needs of library specialists in a particular area. It is proved that training of specialists in the studied technical schools became the basis of the librarians personnel resource with the middle level of qualification for book collections of different types (mainly for mass, in particular – rural libraries). The network of political and vocational colleges and schools was one of the links for the training of library specialists of secondary qualification, which trained qualified librarians for state mass, scientific and trade union book collections.
The generalizations and conclusions of the article can serve as a base material for further studies on the history of secondary specialized libraries, and can be used in lectures in library colleges on a special course in the history of library education in Ukraine.
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